
My Sister, the Serial Killer: A Novel by Oyinkan Braithwaite


Korede’s sister Ayoola is many things: the favorite child, the beautiful one, possibly sociopathic. And now Ayoola’s third boyfriend in a row is dead, stabbed through the heart with Ayoola’s knife.

Korede’s practicality is the sisters’ saving grace. She knows the best solutions for cleaning blood (bleach, bleach, and more bleach), the best way to move a body (wrap it in sheets like a mummy), and she keeps Ayoola from posting pictures to Instagram when she should be mourning her “missing” boyfriend. Not that she gets any credit.


Meet Korede and Ayoola

Ayoola is many things—a favorite child, a stunning beauty, and perhaps a bit sociopathic. As Korede’s sister, she draws attention and intrigue wherever she goes. However, a shadow hangs over her charm as her third boyfriend is discovered dead, stabbed through the heart with none other than Ayoola’s knife.

Korede’s Practicality

While Ayoola’s eye-catching beauty often steals the spotlight, it is Korede’s practicality that contrasts sharply with her sister’s whims. Korede possesses a wealth of knowledge about covering tracks, from cleaning blood to body disposal techniques. This dark skill set becomes essential to keeping her sister’s secrets hidden from the world.

A Complex Relationship

Sibling loyalty can be a tricky path, especially when it involves crimes and deception. Korede is constantly forced to navigate her role as both a protector and a moral compass for her beautiful yet unpredictable sister. The dynamics of their relationship create a gripping narrative filled with tension and secrets.


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