
World War II Inspiring Stories for Kids by Ennis Jemmy


This book is a collection of stories based on real-life events during World War II. A selection of 10 inspiring stories, introduces us to unique characters with different characteristics.


Note: This book does not give any content about torture & distortion stories, kidnapping, burn, or any negative events that had a relationship with killing, it’s just for children who are dreamers, who want to benefit from the positive experiences of the war.

Your kids will read about different kinds of stories.

Animals: from Rip the dog that has managed to locate and rescue at least 100 victims of the air raids to Gustav the heroic carrier pigeon who delivered vital messages for the British Royal Air Force, aiding strategic missions with unwavering reliability.

Civilians: from Adolphe Kaminsky the young hero who has not yet reached the age of 17 when he decided to dedicate himself to forging documents to save lives during the Nazi’s invasion of Northern France. to more daring characters men and women who risked their lives in a war zone to save others.

As a super dedicated history teacher and a really good writer. Ennis Jemmy really loves teaching kids about how important our world’s history is. He especially likes telling stories about when things were tough, like during wars and really crazy times. He’s picked out ten short stories that are all about values such as empathy, solidarity, friendship, courage, and More. He shares these stories in hopes that they will inspire young readers and demonstrate that positive lessons can be taught even during a destructive war.

Knowing what these characters lived through helps us and the children reflect on the actions of our ancestors, especially during hard and stressful times like World War II. It helps us realize what humans are truly capable of.

That is what history is all about, learning from the past and a willingness to use past events as references to build a better future. It allows us to be better prepared to face the challenges that life throws at us.


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