
How to Talk to Girls by Alec Greven


At the tender age of nine, Alec Greven observed a common plight among his male classmates on the playground – the sting of rejection from their charming female peers. This observation sparked a unique idea in young Alec’s mind. He set out to pen a guide, a beacon of hope for his friends navigating the treacherous waters of elementary school romance. Thus, in 2008, “How to Talk to Girls” was born.


Are you smart enough to take over a girl’s heart?

Leave it to a nine-year-old to get down to the basics about how to win victory with a girl. How to talk to girls is for boys of all ages—from eight to eighty—and the girls they like. So read this book and then you’re ready. Good luck!


Comb your hair and don’t wear sweats
Control your hyperness (cut down on the sugar if you have to)
Don’t act desperate


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